About HCC

Our church family is made up of people from all stages and walks of life - young and older, those who are new to the area or New Zealand and those who have grown up here, people who have followed Jesus for many years and people who are just exploring who Jesus is.

We believe that Jesus changes people’s lives and we invite everyone who is interested in discovering who He is, to join us as we follow and serve Him.


Under our roof we also have The Picton Centre Trust where you have the chance to hire our facilities and Sowers Trust our Community Services. Click on the Trusts to find out more.


Our church is led by pastor Brigitte Crowe and a team of Elders. 
Our current Chair of Elders: Dave Bartlett
Other Elders: Brigitte Crowe, Jamie Gray, Wil Harvie, Graham Luey, Bronwyn Muggleston, Brian Payne  

Want to say HI?

If you want to get in touch, or if you have any more questions, please fill out the form below!