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It is time…

Esther 4:14 “For if you remain silent at this time…And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.”

Gideon was hiding in a winepress when the angel of the Lord found him and declared him to be a mighty warrior.

David was delivering food to his brothers on the battlefield when Goliath waged war against God and His people.

Noah was building an ark while people mocked him and thought he had lost his marbles.

Jesus was listening to his accusers spreading all sorts of rumours and his disciples begged him to not put Himself in harm’s way.

Stephen stood praising the Lord while people stoned him.

Moses turned up to Pharaoh multiple times, knowing the conversations were getting progressively worse.

Mary stood before Joseph trying to explain a pregnancy, trusting God.

We have been blessed with this one life; therefore, we should make every effort to not waste it. I am not saying that God will put us in the same situation as any of these mentioned above, but we will not be exempt from finding ourselves in difficult situations.

We are given opportunities daily to take our place, or take up our cross, and follow him. God can use anyone at any time to do what He desires. When He chooses us to partner with Him, He will give us the courage we need to complete the task assigned to us.

We face decisions to avail ourselves for God’s use every day.

It is time to decide who we will serve with all our heart, all our mind and all our strength. He who calls us will equip us. (Exodus 4:10-11)

When Esther accepted the call, realized it was indeed time, she fasted and prayed, calling others to fast and pray with her, getting ready for this task that seemed bigger than herself.

When you get to the point where you realise it is time to take your place in the mission God has for you, fast, pray, ask those who are alongside to do the same. And then, watch what God can do with your faithful obedience.
